Mission and Vision

KAIST Science Journalism Vision 

KAIST Graduate School of Science Journalism is the pioneer of the convergence of science and technology journalism to foster talented people who will lead Korea’s Future and become a world-class science journalism academy through outstanding research achievements

KAIST Science Journalism Objective​​​​​​​

Training Experts in Future Strategy Planning

Provide journalists and future planning with opportunities for research and discussion of development trends in science and technology and future society to help them grow into experts in future strategy planning

Training experts in science and social communication

Supporting workers in science and technology PR and marketing to become experts in popularization of science, technology marketing science and social communication

Train experts to lead the future media industry

In the face of the new media era, supporting students in understanding the convergence of science, technology and media culture and help them grow into leaders of the new media era



Master’s Program in Science Journalism

World’s Top faculty

Possessing the World’s best academic achievement, the entire KAIST faculty have provided guidance to science journalism masters students’ papers leading to the achievement of outstanding academic achievements
One-on-One lecture guidance with the corresponding advisor for thesis writing (Independent Studies)

Acquiring recent theories and knowledge throughout the field of science instead of theory based journalism education

Advanced learning through the use of KAIST laboratory and field trips
Identifying KAIST’S latest achievements and research trends such as Hubo, Mobile Harbor, Electric car, Satellite, Nano Fab

Strategic insight into the future

Future Strategy Debate Class lead by top experts in various fields
Gaining insight into the future through the relationship between professionals and colleagues

Introduction to the latest theories and methodologies in the field of science journalism

acquiring new theories in science journalism
current journalists and communication majors are in charge of practical education that transcends theory and practice

Convergence of Science, Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences

Expanding opportunities for convergence learning through lectures and research exchanges between the following departments: Graduate School of Science and Technology Policy (STP), Graduate School of Intellectual Property Management (MIP), Graduate School of Future Strategy (FS), Graduate School of Culture Technology (CT), KAIST Graduate School of Finance (KGSF), Innovation and Technology Management (I & TM), KAIST Graduate School of Information and Media Management (KSIM), and Humanities and Social Sciences Department (HSS) 

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