
2024 Spring Semester Academic Reinstatement

  • 운영자
  • Date 2024.01.03
  • Hit 323
Students expected to return to school for 2024 Spring Semester must apply reinstatement at the academic system during the designated period and complete registration(tuition fee).

According to the Academic Rules and Regulation Section 4, Article 34, returning students failing to register reinstatement during the designated period and to pay their tuition fees during the registration period are subject to dismissal from their program. Students who are expected to return to school 2024 Spring Semester but planning to extend one's leave of absence must apply for extension for leave of absence by February 2, 2024

* 2024 Spring Semester begins on February, 26
= Below =

1. Application of Reinstatement
A. Application period: Monday, Jan. 29~ Friday, Feb. 2, 2024

B. Application procedure for reinstatement: Submit health examination documents to the clinic after applying for reinstatement on the Academic System( during the designated period.
1) Application of Reinstatement: Academic Records→ Apply School register change→Application of Reinstatement→ Mental health checkups for returning students→ Get approvals from your advisor and the head of department(on portal)
※Guarantor information: Information of a guarantor who approves the reinstatement must be included in the Reinstatement application. After a student applies for it, he/she should get approvals of an academic advisor and the head of department on the Academic System.
[Undergraduates]: their parent's information
[Master's and Doctoral students]
-General scholarship: information of the head of the affiliated institution(If the institution(company) is "none" in the academic system, please enter parents' information) 
-National scholarship or KAIST scholarship: their parent's information

2) Submission of documents
Clinic Submission of Health-Related Documents: Students wishing to return to school must submit the following health–related documents by Feb. 9 (Fri), 2024. (Dormitory residents are advised to submit chest X-ray results in accordance with the notice and instructions from the Student Life Team.)

-Detailed instructions for document submission:
-Inquiries:☎042-350-0525(Chest X-ray related inquiries), 042-350-0540(mental health test-related inquiries)

※Attaching a certificate of discharge/military service :Students who are on leave of absence due to their military service must attach one copy of their resident certificate or the certificate of discharge/military service
- Attach copy of their resident certificate or the certificate of discharge/military service on which their duration of the service and the date of discharge are written at the Academic System.
- Students expected to be discharged from the military service should apply for reinstatement along with the certificate of expected discharge/military service, or other documents which can prove your expected discharge issued by their military unit on the Academic System. After actual discharge, students must submit certificate of discharge/ military service to ART additionally.

C. Expulsion due to not returning to school and not registering :Students failing to apply for reinstatement and registration will be dismissed in accordance with the Academic Rules and Regulations.(→Section 4 of Article 34 and Section 6 of Article 52)
※Students planning to get dismissed by not returning to school or not registering, please notify it to ART in advance.
※Students planning to extend leave of absence, please apply for extension of leave of absence within reinstatement period.

2. Tuition payment(via internet or electronic bank service)
Payment methods and individual payment status will be announced on of the KAIST HomePage around early February. Students can pay the fees using internet banking or CD/ATM.

3. Matters to be attended to for students on leave of absence due to military service
A. Leave of absence due to military service is only recognized until the semester in which the actual discharge date belongs
Military leave of absence : If students are discharged from military service earlier than the approved deadline of their leave of absence, they must return to school immediately after semester in which the date of discharge. If they do not return to school, be aware that from the semester after discharge to the approved deadline of their leave of absence(formerly due to military service) will be treated as general leave of absence.
※Students who have exhausted all general leave of absence must apply for reinstatement as they will be expelled unless they apply for extension of leave of absence due to other reasons(- due to illness, business start-up, childbirth/ childbearing).

B. If the date of discharge happens to be later than the end date of approved leave of absence
The certificate of military service(signed by a commander of their military unit) should be attached along with the leave of absence(extend) application on the Academic System.

C. Students wanting to return to school during the semester(who completed their military service)
Students on military leave of absence (who completed their military service) wanting to return to school during the semester can return to school according to Guidelines on Enrollment and Course Registration Procedures article 5.
※However, course registration regarding reinstatement is possible only until course add/drop period and students absent from more than one-third of classes of a course conducted over one semester shall not be allowed to sit for the exam according to Guidelines on Curriculum Management article 23. Please note to the above.

※Necessary documents for Students wanting to return to school during the semester on military leave of absence (who completed their military service)
①Letter of recommendation for reinstatement by the commander of the unit :Confirmation and recommendation whether student can participate in class from the beginning of the semester using the official leave
②Statement of Reason :The reason for returning to school, and statement that student will bear any disadvantages that may occur regarding registration/enrollment/attendance due to discharge after the beginning of the semester(student number, name, and signature required)
③Certificate of expected discharge

4. Miscellaneous
A. Check the notice for reinstatement notice
Notices regarding reinstatement will be announced on KAIST Homepage News- Notice ( or Portal Notice( No e-mail will be sent to individual student.

B. Course Registration for students who are expected to return to school
Course Registration for students who are expected to return to school is the same as current students.
(Please check the relevant bulletin boards at portal notice for matters to be prepared before returning to school such as Dormitory or Scholarship application.)
※Course registration period : Monday, Jan. 8, 2024~ Friday, Jan. 12, 2024
※Course Add/Drop Period : Monday, Feb. 19, 2024~ Monday, Mar. 4, 2024
→You can apply for the courses on the web during the course Add/Drop period, even though you didn't apply for any courses during the course registration period.

5. Inquiry
A. Daejeon Campus :Office of Academic Affairs_ Academic Registrar's Team
* E-mail
* Telephone : 042-350-2364(Undergraduate), 2365(master's and doctoral)
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